宝峰对讲机 耳机只在按下麦克风钮时 听得见声音
Baofeng Walkie Talkie earphone got sound only while pressing the mic button
耳机/麦克风 接头插入不够深/紧,只需用力将接头压紧就行了(同时也检查是否是 接头/接口 周围有突起阻碍插入)
如果已经弄紧了还是不行,那就可能是 接头/接口 不匹配,讯号传输处对不上。
Try to tighten the plug of the headset, push a little bit hard to make it go deeper. (Also, check if there is something blocking around the input/output port.)
If you have tried the method above and still cannot solve the problem, it may be the i/o not compatible.